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Bike Challenge - Active Transportation Alliance
Earl Strassberger
It starts today. It’s not too late to form my team. It’s fun. I did 23 miles today.

Form a team and enter your miles every day. It is free and a challenge.  IT is  a commuter to work challenge. But on my urging they formed a new category to allow me and other Kibitzers to ride. It is the "Retired" category. We can't win the prizes but we are in it.

Last year we came in first place in our category. Of course we were the only Retired organization. :-)  So far this year we are the only retired category. Start a team and give us some competition!

If you are not retired and do commute to work form a team from your workplace. It could even be a team of one.


"Good is something you do, not something you talk about. Some medals are pinned to your soul, not to your jacket. 
Gino Bartali, Italian hero and winner of the Tour de France in 1938

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