Weather is looking real fine for our Fast (15-17mph) NSC Century Preview ride on Saturday! We will meet up at 7am at the entrance to the Clark Street Beach, just east of Sheridan & Clark St in Evanston. We will follow the NSC 100 mile route and stop at all the NSC rest stops. The rest stops are not staffed for the preview rides so please bring plenty of snacks and water. We will stop for lunch at Stone Creek Grill in Winthrop Harbor, mile 60.
If you would like, let me know you're planning on joining us so we can look for you!

If you would prefer a shorter ride, you could meet us at Northcroft Park for a 66 mile ride. We should be there around 8:30 AM. 66 mile Northcroft route: Be sure to let me know if you are choosing this option so we can look for you: