Tuesday Moderate Ride – March 18th – 10:00 AM – Panera
Tuesday’s forecast predicts mostly cloudy skies with a high temperature of 66 degrees and winds from the south at 10 to 20 mph. It sounds like a grand day for a ride to Russell’s BBQ. Making plans on the bases of a forecast four days in advance of the event is uncharacteristically optimistic on my part, but I am unlikely to have the time to post a ride on Sunday or Monday. Besides the forecast for Tuesday has been remarkably stable for several days. If the actual weather should be vastly different from the forecast making it prudent to cancel the ride, I will post a notice to the listserv before 8:30 AM on the morning of the ride.
Here is a link to the route that I will use: Russell's BBQ without NB Trail · Ride with GPS. Our total distance will be about 40 miles. I will ride at a moderate (13 – 15 mph) pace.
Please note the 10 AM starting time.